Body Life

Body Life

Welcome to the Body Life Ministry Page


“Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27) 


The Body Life Ministry is focused on supporting and encouraging all of our members at Cross Tower Church of Christ. We provide:

  • Guest Services - Our goal is to warmly welcome everyone coming to Cross Tower, assist guests with finding Sunday bible classes and Worship Services.  We provide additional information about our church to help guests understand and feel at home with our church family. (We are always looking for those who have the gift of hospitality and want to greet!)
  • Baby Showers/Funeral Meals and Sick Meals: We love to celebrate the blessing of a new life by hosting baby showers. As well, we support families in need by providing meals - to those who are sick or as a comfort after a funeral. (If you have the gift of planning events, cooking or serving - this would be a wonderful ministry volunteer opportunity!)
  • Pot Lucks - We are a family and regularly share meals together as the Body of Christ. The Cross Tower calendar will show upcoming pot lucks that are scheduled. (Pot Luck team volunteers help set up, coordinate the meal and assist with clean up. If this is your preferred service, please volunteer!)
  • Benevolence - The Benevolence Coordinator works with our Elders to ascertain and provide assistance as needed.